Sunday, December 6, 2009
Fibrous Blood In Period
One of the most important services offered by the Internet today is e-mail to send and receive messages quickly (in fact, E-mail predates the Internet, and in fact was a crucial tool, so that it could be created.) Through e-mail messages can be sent, not only text, but all kinds of digital documents. Efficiency, convenience and low cost (often zero) are making moves to e-mail mail for many common uses. (1)
is precisely its advantages in terms of efficiency and low cost that have led to excesses and abuses of the service. The main problem is spam or junk mail, which refers to receiving unsolicited emails, usually misleading, and in large quantities, promoting things such as Rolex, Viagra, pornography and other products and services suspect quality. Usually the messages indicate the sender of the mail as a false address. (1)
The spam problem has become unmanageable to the point that some people have chosen not to give your e-mail, have several (a "public" that openly distributed and a "private" shares only relatives), or be continually closing and opening new accounts. Overall, it has lost confidence in the service.
The really worrying thing is that we are on track to repeat the same mistake again, only this time the consequences will be worse.
# 1 tool used in mobile marketing is SMS (Service Short Message, by its initials in English - Short Message Service). The SMS is "email" of the mobile world: a system for sending messages to mobile users in an efficient, convenient and low cost, but only good for sending text, already exists Service (MMS Multimedia message by its initials in English - Multimedia Message Service) allows sending messages to more rich content (pictures, videos, and / or audio). But the similarities are only on that, the differences are huge, the email strategy was basically to build email database as large as possible (with the result that about 72% of 320 billion are junk messages a day) while the SMS strategy should be to build a database of loyal customers (95% of SMS messages are read in the first 4 minutes). (2)
And just so there is spam on the Internet, and you start seeing junk SMS account of abuse in making mobile marketing. The situation is worse because the phone number is not something that can be changed, nor can we have several (at most two new phones with the dual), in fact the number is something more personal than e-mail ( it is something that usually changes when you change companies for example).
MMA (Marketing Association Mobile, for its acronym in English - Mobile Marketing Association) is the association that provides guidelines regarding the correct use of mobile marketing and has recommended the use of a strategy of "opt-in or registration, that is, never send a message mobile marketing if the user has not explicitly requested. However, many users give their personal information (and phone number) without really knowing that they will be used (because it is a required field when registering to get the information that we are so interested, or because a newspaper notice says "the number XXXX YYYY Send and receive a discount coupon for purchases at the store ZZZZ" but that does not mean we want to receive SMS updates or news from this company) therefore now being recommended to use a strategy of "double opt-in" (dual enrollment) in which the user gives their data on a voluntary or through a registration and then sends an SMS confirmation message which agrees to receive additional messages (mobile marketing), so the user is informed of the use that will give these data sent. If the user responds yes, the cycle is complete and you can have that user as valid to receive mobile marketing.
is important to respect the privacy and wishes of users, it is important to give these people options opt-out (unsubscribe) is much more important to be clear and prompt communication to people who truly want to receive advertising messages and to keep the channel free of trash.
An important thing to remember is that the service provider (in this case the mobile operator) can identify if the message comes from another phone (it sends another person), internet (sent from a web page) or an external provider (a mobile marketing agency) and the user can request that it block the sending of messages from all 3 sources (or 3) with what the agency abuse results in loss Total customer for future campaigns (some of which even the client could be interested). In fact, some countries have already ordered the creation of centralized databases so that users can register there and stay to "save" the sending of unsolicited messages on pain of huge fines for those failing.
Please for all those who are holding the mobile marketing campaigns, review their strategies, whether from the world of e-mail note that this medium is different, not full of garbage the mobile channel.
Mobile Marketing is communication PERSONAL where it has the quality and not quantity. For
those wanting to learn about how to do "good" mobile marketing and examples of successful campaigns, go to the website of the MMA -
------------ REFERENCES
(1) C3% B3nico
(2) -email-marketers-think-mobile-marketing-is-stupid-and-why-they-are-wrong /
Sunday, November 29, 2009
First Response Test Seond Line Is Light
A strategy commonly used when performing a marketing campaign is to distribute flyers or pamphlets specific points of a city. The procedure is simple: choose a site that has a high influx of people, print a flyer with information to present and hire one or more persons who will distribute these leaflets to people passing through the site. It's simple, relatively inexpensive, and is focused but has problems of measurement: who actually received and read the information.
Bluetooth is a standard for short range communications was designed in order to eliminate cables between devices (such as a computer and printer) and has had some success in the market, is available as a feature most basic cell phones but its use has been limited mainly to transmission information (between 2 phones or between a phone and a PC) and wireless headset.
Due to its characteristics: Short range
- .
- low cost.
- available in most mobile phones.

The operation scheme is quite simple (see diagram): place a central device (Bluetooth server) that is emitted continuously in search of devices in your area, when is sent data which have been previously configured. The server keeps statistics on all transactions.
The advantages are many:
- The device transmits continuously, 24 hours a day, or can be configured to transmit at intervals (making it cheaper).
- The message to be sent can be multimedia: a picture, text, song or even a video (making it new), although it is recommended that the size of the information to be transmitted is small.
- authorization is requested to deliver information in a manner that is noninvasive (making it reliable.)
- who are identified has been given before so not ship 2 times the same information (making it efficient).
- The process is simple: upload content to the server, configure the transmission and enable the transmission (which makes it easy to use)
- All content is digital (design) so no printing costs ( making it organic).
- Detailed statistics: who received the information, who rejected it, who canceled the transfer, etc (what does measurable).
Anyway, this should be announced to users in the area that will receive information via Bluetooth for two reasons:
- Lest you think it is spam or someone trying to send unauthorized information.
- To activate your Bluetooth (if you do not have it enabled) and is pending receipt of the message.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Ap Lab One Biology Diffusion And Osmosis
Imagine a sore throat and may have some hoarseness for several days, even if influenza has taken the discomfort does not go away. Already beginning to worry that you might not be a simple flu you have. Need to see a doctor but has no time and they do not know any expert on the subject, so take your cell phone, dial a number where he meets an interactive system that asks you to cough and in seconds the same system will tell you if what you have is actually a common cold, a cold, pneumonia or other respiratory condition that can present to avoid having to go doctor (if you have nothing would be a waste of time) or advised to do so immediately (in case of detecting symptoms of something serious).
Is that crazy? As people
STAR Analytical Services has developed software that can do just that by applying mathematical analysis to the sound generated by coughing and comparing the results with a database of previously recorded sounds of coughing, the STAR system can determine if the cough is dry or with phlegm, or is caused by a bacteria or virus, etc and make a diagnosis.
Imagine the impact of this tool for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory diseases in developing countries, where, for example, a mother in Africa (where pneumonia is a major cause of death in children) and 100 kilometers from the nearest hospital, can call and send the sound of your baby's cough, so that the system can determine a diagnosis and apply, if necessary, a nurse from a nearby locality, which not only take medicines, but the right medicine for that matter. For this project
STAR Analytical Services was awarded a $ 100,000 support the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop better. STAR system currently operates on a PC and are already developing a version for Smartphones, so it should increase the database of recorded sounds of coughing which currently has a few dozen to about 1,000 sounds to enhance the reliability and the need to record sounds according to variables such as sex, weight and age among others. ------------
(1) -instant-diagnosis.html
Monday, November 9, 2009
Where Is The Paintbrush On Poptropica
When developing an application using mobile technology, to design a solution to solve a user need, an important point to consider is the approach we have this application, and I mean to approach the decision of whether application will run via the Web (from a browser), or native (directly installed on the device).
is not a minor point because mobile market characteristics: a variety of devices (and basic software or operating systems), processing power and memory restricted (compared to traditional PC) and availability of Internet connection (which may have restrictions because of costs and / or coverage or scope of the signal.)
The arrival of the iPhone has complicated matters further, since there is now pressure to "copy" appearance (usability and attractiveness) of these applications, increasing the complexity of the developments. Advantages
Web Focus:
- support is cheaper.
- development speed is higher.
- development cost is lower.
- existing PC knowledge is reusable in most cases.
- No problem with the variety of devices.
- distribution is much simpler.
- centralized data and integration with multiple sources is easier.
- allows the development of communities.
- Extend existing Web site.
- Update / corrections are instantaneous. Disadvantages
- Costs in some countries the rates of Internet access from mobile devices is high. Availability
- , applications need continuous connection (and fast) to the Internet and is not yet available everywhere.
- "Experience" WEB (application functionality, interactivity) on mobile devices is limited compared to what you have on PC.
- no way to take advantage of some specific characteristics of the devices (like the camera for example).
- access speed is limited.
- Many versions of browsers available, which offer different presentations to the same content as they are not standardized.
- Technologies that allow interaction such as AJAX and DHTML have limited support. Advantages
- New business opportunities.
- Applications can interact directly with the device.
- detailed control what is shown and how it displays.
- Multiple forms of user interaction available (according to the device, for example, touch screen, keyboard).
- improved performance and optimized according to each device.
- can maintain the consistency of the interface (as seen, as it interacts as an answer) through of multiple platforms on which to distribute the application. Ability to work
- "offline."
- Flexible configuration options of the application, giving the user total control. Marketing
- simple: the user pays for the application and the download (it is a clearly identifiable event for recovery purposes).
NATIVE approach Disadvantages: Difficulty
- maintain portability (availability on multiple platforms) of the application due to the huge number of different devices that are launched continuously. Fragmentation
- development environments This requires knowledge and understanding of things unique to each environment and is difficult to determine which is best suited to develop a particular application (do you use J2ME or Flash Lite or C / C + +?)
- Increased development costs because the knowledge is more specialized. Minor
- speed of development by its complexity. Difficulty
- meet the many and varied requirements that each service provider requires.
- Tests have expensive as it touches the physical devices. Market
- may require application migration to other platforms.
- distribution model is complicated, if you use the App Store may require additional authorization. Correcting an error
- / out a new version involves re-download the application and consider the migration of current data.
As you can see the decision is not easy and much depends on what you want about the application.
If the application is an extension of something that already exists on the Web (and that is migrating or extending to the mobile environment) and does not require much user interaction then the WEB approach would be appropriate.
If the application requires access to data on the device (such as calendar, or any contact information) needs to interact with the user, has reduced the variety of devices must arrive (eg applications for iPhone only), and / or use features that are general to all models (eg basic J2ME no extension of the manufacturer) , then the NATIVE approach would be appropriate.
In short: it's faster and cheaper web approach, but there is more integration and performance with NATIVE approach.
Keep in mind that development environments are rapidly evolving: Flash can run in browsers for mobile devices soon and that will make it easier to develop mobile applications using the Web, the diversity of operating systems will continue to decline from the 5 "big" we have now (Android, iPhone, Symbian, WebOS, Windows Mobile), pass through 3 in the medium term (Android, iPhone, Windows Mobile or Symbian ), and that will make it easier to develop mobile applications NATIVE.
My conclusion is that the evolution of technology will become easier to use either approach, and as Internet and Web applications have not abolished the native applications on PCs, mobile WEB approach will not end the mobile approach NATIVE so both should always be considered at the level of application development. If your business
is application development and wants to go to develop mobile applications (or want to enter that business) must then be aware that need to be able to use the two options.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Teal Bridesmaid Dress
The market for electronic readers, which had been dominated with relative ease by Amazon with its Kindle, has begun to shake account new business announcements and movements that seek to conquer a slice of that pie. Expectations for sales in this market this year are around 3 million digital books, totaling 13 million expected by 2013 according to Forrester.
was first announced that the Amazon Kindle going to be available for sale in more than 100 countries from 19 October. Kindle is the first device of its kind that has become popular (but not globally, at least in the United States, the international launch a movement to popularize and try to emulate the success of Apple with its iPod) and has , among other interesting features:
- Electronic Ink, a new way of displaying information that emulates a high degree of effectiveness of ink printed on paper.
- Connecting via 3G (via cellular networks).
- owner e-book format (the books can only be downloaded on the Kindle).
Days later, Google announced Google Editions, a platform of digitized books will be available in the network (similar to how you have the mails in GMAIL service) to be viewed from anywhere in the world and on any device that connects to the Internet and has a browser. Although not really a device, and not even be an electronic book reader, will compete in this market since the books can be read from mobile devices like cell phones (as long as they have Internet Access).
And Barnes & Noble is now entering the fray to officially announce its electronic book reader called Nook.
Nook The main characteristics are:
- Touch screen and colors.
- Android operating system (Android is an operating system used in some of the latest models of mobile phones that have hit the market and is developed by Google under the scheme of Open Source or Open Source, however it is unclear whether other Android applications Nook will run on).
- Open standard (content can be shared with iPhones, iPods, some mobile phone models from Motorola and Blackberry and PC or MAC with the reader software installed.)
- LendMe (lender) who is a technology that enables the sharing, free, e-books with other people for up to 14 days at a time.
- 3G and WiFi support.
believe that the Latin American market for these devices is just beginning to develop, so it is prudent to wait a little longer before buying one of these devices, and Amazon took the first step in marketing the Kindle in several countries of the area but the now the main constraint is that there is limited availability of titles in English (because Amazon - Kindle uses a proprietary format), with the arrival of Nook and open format should be developed more quickly.
Definition: An electronic book reader (e-reader in English) is a device that is portable, with screens that can be read easily even to the bright daylight, have lasting batteries and let you read books that have been digitized or converted to electronic format (e-books). May be a device specifically designed for that purpose (such as Amazon's Kindle) or can have multiple uses (any cell phone or smartphone that supports intelligent viewer can act PDF e-reader).
Some manufacturers of electronic book readers are: Sony (PRS-600, PRS-300), Booker (Cybook Opus), Hanvon (N516, 518, N526, N520), Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes & Noble (Nook .) ------------
TIME: http : / /
FierceMobile-1: http : / / www.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
How Valuable Is Stetson 22 Kt Gold China

mHealth is the use of mobile technology to increase the reach of basic health services. As expected, in developing countries (Latin America, Africa) that have problems of infrastructure and qualified personnel, this application is seen as an option to put health to everyone. Mobile operators are also seeing this application as an opportunity to differentiate (shown "socially responsible") in an increasingly competitive market, so also are beginning to support such projects.
have all the components are: the networks are available and increasingly cover more geographical space, cell phones are becoming cheaper making them accessible even to poor people and all stakeholders are willing to work for it, so it is expected to begin to develop strongly Mobile Health.
applications can be divided into three (3) major groups depending on their focus: patient, health professional, or disease.
- Education and Prevention,
- Remote Monitoring and Support
- Treatment.
- Communication and Training, and Support
- Diagnosis.
- Remote Data Collection and Monitoring
- Diseases and Epidemics.
Examples of projects of each type are as follows:
- Education and Prevention. Georgia has sent a video via MMS explanatory relation to AIDS and how to prevent it. Thousands of young people received him and heard first-hand information that would otherwise have gone unnoticed by them.
- Remote Monitoring. IBM developed a kit that allows you to monitor the heart rate of patients and is stored in the cell phone where you keep track and each time it sends the updated information to physicians.
- Treatment Support. MyLifeRecord is an application that runs on mobile phones (iPhone) and can be archived and available on hand all medical data related to health (X-rays, electrocardiograms, etc).
- Communication and Training. In Coban, Guatemala, using mobile devices to train nurses who are in remote communities (in the jungle).
- Diagnosis Support. Epocrates is an application that runs on mobile phones and includes information on more than 3300 drugs, and use, dosage, warnings, side effects, drug interactions, etc.
- Remote Data Collection. IVR used in Peru as an early warning system for epidemic prevention. The person calls, and entering the information is guided by the IVR voice message, which is programmed so that, if certain specific symptoms are entered send alerts via SMS or email to managers, which can take immediate action on the matter. The data are also aggregated and analyzed to establish trends. This will increase the capacity of health services (no need to see the patient, many people can call the same time) and focuses direct attention to the cases warrant (those with symptoms risky). Monitoring
- Diseases and Epidemics. In Andhra Pradesh (state in India) health workers use cell phones to report incidents of Japanese Encephalitis (fatal disease that is preventable by a vaccine but not always given the high cost and lack of data concerning risks of disease transmission) which are central to the doctors to make decisions in real time as they move about outbreaks and distribute the vaccines effectively.
applications / projects are relatively simple and timely, but will continue to evolve in the following areas:
- decrease in prices, which will be available to many more people (people with even fewer resources.)
- lower power consumption, less weight and size, which will make it more comfortable to wear.
- Availability and fault tolerance, applications will be more intelligent (information forwarded unable to send for example) and more resistant, have alternatives to supply information, collect information from various sources.
- Security, medical data is information sensitive and must be well protected, since data is transmitted wirelessly is necessary to improve security in transmissions.
- Interoperability can communicate with existing monitoring devices.
In conclusion, these applications are a great help for everyone:
- A patients, enabling them to improve their quality of life (for convenience, and because it helps them improve their habits and their health care) and increases their confidence (they share sensitive information securely.)
- Doctors, allowing them to be available real-time information that can help them understand the evolution of certain disease and the impact of medication and treatment provided.
- A mobile operators, because it represents a new source of income.
- A government, enabling them to extend health services to lower-income population with a minimal investment.
------------ Source:
Movilsur: Php/2009/03/30/mobile-
Ceditec: http://www.ceditec.etsit.upm.
United Nations Foundation:
Friday, October 2, 2009
Chelsea Charms Oder Maxi Mounds?
In a development more towards a 100% connected and dependent on digital technology, the company USAA (banking firm that provides services primarily to members of the U.S. armed forces) has announced the availability of a new version of its existing application for the iPhone that will allow the DEPOSIT or consignment checks.
The procedure is to take a picture to check with your camera phone and send it to the bank where it is processed as if it had submitted the document. Best of all is there is no need to physically send the check later.
In principle, the service is only available for select customers (those with verified credit capacity and / or have some type of insurance through USAA).
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Trane Xv90 Humidifier Wiring
Of the most basic developments in the world of marketing is Scheme 2 x 1, or "Pay 1 and take 2." However, in the digital world and having available the Internet (which actually is a 24-hour market with millions of potential customers) the strategy that is being imposed is 0 x N or pay nothing and take many want "(English Freemium which is the contraction of the words Free + Premium).
- A municipal government can give away air tickets for people to visit the city (Free), on the premise that the costs of these attracted visitors generate taxes (Premium) to offset the cost of the ticket. Many may not spend enough to offset the cost of the ticket, but there are some who spend far more than normal.
- A university can give the first half of all courses offered (Free), with that will attract the best students, under the premise that the best averages to remain free or scholarship (Free) but the rest have to pay the remaining semesters (Premium).
Monday, August 17, 2009
Prevent Neck From Breaking Out
cell phone makers, Apple, LG, Motorola, NEC, Nokia, Qualcomm, Research In Motiom (RIM), Samsun, Sony Ericsson and Texas Instruments, which together represent 90% of the global market have signed an agreement in which they undertake to create a single model of a USB charger for all devices manufactured.
The agreement specifies that the new magazine will hit the market in mid 2010, will have a micro USB connector and used for all future models that transmitir datos; las estimaciones de la GSMA (Asociación GSM) son que el nuevo cargado va a reducir el consumo de energÃa en un 50% y eliminará alrededor de 51.000 toneladas de desechos electrónicos representados en cargadores duplicados.
La Comisión Europea (CE) que fue la impulsora del acuerdo también indico que espera que todos los equipos electrónicos, incluyendo computadoras portátiles y cámaras digitales, tengan un único cargador universal en un plazo máximo de 2 años.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Dark Room In The Great Pyramid Sims 3
Address: Calle C No. 163 E / XR. Martha Abreu and Hope Alley, Deal Virginia, Santa Clara, Villa Clara.
Phone: 53 53503347
Name: Frank Reyes López
Title: President
Address: Calle C, No. 25 E / 5 & 6. Cast Libertad, Santa Clara, Villa Clara.
Phone: 53 53382282
Date of birth: July 28, 1964.
Grade Level:
Career: Political prisoners currently serving within the movement and Pedro Luis Boitel Central Opposition Coalition.

Position: Secretary
Address: Calle C No. 163 E / XR. Martha Abreu and Hope Alley, Deal Virginia, Santa Clara, Villa Clara.
Phone: 53 53503347
Date of birth: October 27, 1973
Grade Level:

Position: Human Rights Commissioner
Address: 4th Street. No. 31 E / C and D Cast La Gomera, Santa Clara, Villa Clara
Date of birth:
Grade Level:
Career: Member of the Central Opposition Coalition. Cuban communicators' network.

Position: Transportation
Address: 4th Street. E / D and Final cast La Gomera, Santa Clara, Villa Clara
Date of birth:
Grade Level:
Career: Member of the Central Opposition Coalition

Position: Education
Address: Calle 3ra. and No. 22 Rpto Beltway. Brisas del West Santa Clara Villa Clara
Date of birth: November 29, 1969
Phone: 53 53 382 287
Grade Level: Career
It belongs to the feminist movement Rosa Park, Central Opposition Coalition, Red Cuban independent communicators.

Title: Commissioner of Information and Press
Address: Calle 1ra. No. 21 E / B and B Rpto. New County, Santa Clara, Villa Clara
Date of Birth: March 28, 1979
Phone: 53 52 382 283
Grade Level:
Career: National Spokesperson Political Prisoners Movement Pedro Luis Boitel, Independent Journalist. Librarian.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Many Escorts Have Herpes
La ejecución de proyectos siempre ha sido una tarea difÃcil, se trata de mantener bajo control muchas variables, y tener planes de contingencia ante cambios de las variables que can not be controlled.
have developed many methodologies that have evolved over time, there is even an entity that coordinates and brings together research and development in this area is the PMI (Project Management Institute - Project Management Institute).
Projects that have technological or involving an important component of technology are particularly complicated because, even when using technology has been developed to measure the level of complexity is very high in addition to the improvements in labor efficiency, implement new technology involves changing processes or procedures. Beyond
to have an organized system for the project (which is what methodologies offer), there are a number of external variables that should be taken into account. These variables are:
- culture. In this new globalized world, seek economies of scale to reduce costs by unifying all processes and products of course. Taking on the success of a product / project in a certain place or country, no guarantee that you will have the same success elsewhere because culture varies.
- communication. The same economies of scale and standardization for cost reduction makes it very common participants implement projects with geographically dispersed (even people in different continents) as is necessary to ensure that the language used is the same for everyone.
- market maturity. This detail is something that sometimes passes, driven by the thrill of representing a novel idea.
- details. There are so many variables, so many details it is impossible to control all therefore have to pay attention to information sent by customers, it can be more illogical.
- model. The strategy that works in half, or always has worked, not necessarily work the next time. You have to validate everything as if for the first time.
- Knowledge market. Believe that it knows what the market needs, or think that a survey (or market research) is a standard (and not a guide that is what it is) is one of the most common mistakes. This happens especially when working in completely new and innovative products (the photocopy at the time, for example, notes "Post-it" too, etc).
- Product knowledge. No one will have a better knowledge than he who conceived and those who subsequently developed / built, at least in its early days, but to think that everyone will have as much knowledge as such simply because they have all received training is also very common error.
- The Mars Climate Observer, a spacecraft 125 million dollars that would study Mars' climate, was incinerated in the planet's atmosphere by a flaw in the calculation of the entry path. The investigation determined that a contractor used metric English (feet) while the rest used the metric system (meters) leading to errors in calculations (1).
- Newton was a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant - Personal Digital Assistant) developed by Apple in late 80's and late of 90. With a lot of advances for the time (some have been included in recent versions of Mac OS X - Operating System Apple computers), the Newton never really took off and was taken off the market. Today's PDAs are everywhere (2).
- "Whenever I go to buy a vanilla ice cream and I prepare to return to my house the car will not start. On the other hand if I buy an ice cream of any flavor the car works perfectly.'ll Think I'm crazy, but I matter what you may seem stupid my claim "This was in essence the content of a letter of complaint that generated so much grace from the Pontiac division staff in the United States finally a copy reached the hands of company president, who has deployed an engineer to deal the case. After careful analysis of the case was detected when the owner of the Pontiac was going to buy vanilla ice cream shorter time to return the car, when acquiring any other flavor. For this reason the engine cooling was not reached and no fuel vapors dissipated preventing a restart was instantaneous. Thanks to this claim of the owner of a Pontiac model 99, this division of General Motors changed the fuel system and introduced an alteration in all models from that year (3).
- The explosion Ariane 5 (1996). The rocket-to 8 billion dollars, which contained 4 satellites worth $ 500 million, exploded after suffering a bug in your computer, the unit jumped into pieces to 36.7 seconds after launch, when trying to convert some data 64-bit format to 16-bit format (4).
(2) / wiki / Newton_ (platform)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My Bath Towels Smell Sour What To Do
Microsoft presentó en el evento E3 (la conferencia de videojuegos mas grande del mundo) el proyecto Natal, que promete revolucionar la forma en que se juega.
Es nada menos que un nuevo sistema de control en el que no hay controles, se registran e identifican los movimientos del cuerpo y la voz y el rostro del usuario.
El sistema consta de una cámara y un micrófono, y software propietario de Microsoft. Está en capacidad de reconocer rostros (no será necesario ingresar una clave porque el sistema reconocerá el rostro del usuario) y voz (no sólo palabras clave sino lenguaje) e interpretar en 3D los movimientos del cuerpo (para copiar dichos movimientos and run in the same way the game character which is).
The new system will be compatible with current Xbox 360 systems, which are automatically updated to use hand gestures and verbal commands to scroll through menus.
not be available before 2010, need to see that when it goes on sale in fact comply with all that is promised.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Home Made Gay Movie Clips
We used to live in a world where resources are limited, and there are always restrictions. Industries can not produce all they want because they have limitations in raw materials. Distributors may not sell all available products because they have limitations of physical space. Customers do not always buy what they need but what they are because they have limitations in terms of information.
These restrictions led to the creation of a culture of "super hits", the industries only make what sells, distributors have only broken and what customers buy what is fashionable. This is explained in the famous "Pareto's Law" or Law 80/20 (80% of revenues come from sales of 20% of products).
Now an example:
Joe Simpson, British climber, wrote in 1998 a book called "Touching the Void" (Touching the Void) that although it received good reviews, it was not really successful in sales. Until there is a common story, a well written book that does not sell well. A decade later, Jon Krakauer wrote "Into Thin Air" (with little air) that if was a bestseller. Another common history, a well-written book that sells well. However, the interesting thing comes with the success of "Into thin air", and, suddenly, "Touching the Void" started to sell again.
The publisher had to make a new edition of "Touching the Void ', which spent 14 weeks at the top of the bestseller New York Times. Even IFC Films produced a documentary drama about the history which was acclaimed by critics. Currently, "Touching the Void" outsells "Into thin air" at a ratio of 2 to 1.
One word: Amazon. The system of online library detected that the users were getting "Into thin air" and recommended "Touching the Void." Others who followed the advice written rave reviews, and formed a snowball effect: more and more people bought "Touching the Void" and more comments, and more sales ...
In the pre-internet era, most likely those who had bought "Into thin air" would never have heard of "Touching the Void." Internet allowed this, Amazon was the one who created the successful "Touching the Void" by combining real-time information about purchases and suggest trends and the result was that generated new demand for a book that almost never bought.
Earlier, there was always the need for local market to distribute the products. And the distributors had only products generating enough revenue to cover the cost of storage and display.
Why things were done well before? For economic reasons, an attempt to equate supply and demand under conditions of information distribution and totally inadequate. The product not only had to have a market but the market had to be local. Prevailing tyranny of physical space both for distribution to market an audience too thinly equivalent to having none.
But how to know which products distributed? There appeared when the charts, film fashion, the seller and the Pareto Law. By the way, I think that has nothing wrong with a system that works but many of us do not always want that, at some point end up moving away from fashion and the more options we have more we depart.
Welcome to a new era where we no longer depend on the "fashion" or what is considered "success." To the extent that technology spreads, we are reaching a point where you have access to "perfect" (in the sense that it is complete, we know that it exists and where we can get) and the truth is that we begin to discover that our tastes are not are as common as previously thought (as usual made us think marketing companies). The digital world, with online distribution systems, is leading us to a world of constraints, a world of abundance.
No need to pay shelves, no manufacturing costs and almost no distribution costs, any sale is a sale and give the same amount of money selling a product "successful" to sell a product "marginal" both are mere records in a database.
We must change the mentality, we are anchored in the mindset of "blockbuster" and think that what we find in the supermarket is little demand, should therefore not be good. We at 80 / 20, only 20% is good, 80% is marginal. We
equating quantity with quality, economies of scale and mass market demand successfully.
To get an idea about what we really like, see the statistics of "Rhapsody" music subscription service that offers more than 750,000 items.
cumulative sales curve is a typical demand curve: strong preference for more topics Hot and sharp drop for the less popular. In this sense, looks like any physical music store. But the interesting thing is when you look beyond the 40,000 best selling titles (which is more or less what stocks a normal physical store). In a normal physical store, no movement because there is no inventory, but sales continue to Rhapsody. Sold at least once a month not only the first 100,000 subjects, but also the first 200,000 and 300,000, and so on. Each new item is added to Rhapsody finds its audience (but small).
This is the long tail.
Anything can be found in the long tail But what really surprises is its size. If enough sales are combined marginal in the long queue, you get to have a bigger market than the "blockbuster" (20%). For example: An average library has about 130,000 books. However, Amazon, more than half of sales come from titles that are below the limit of the 130,000 best sellers. Think of the consequences of this, assuming that statistic can be taken as a rule, and we may conclude that the potential market for books is at least twice the size it is now.
In reflecting on the matter, it is clear that most successful businesses in Internet access based on these long queues. Google gets most of its revenue from small advertisers, eBay sells unique, Netflix gets 20% of its revenue from the titles below the 3,000 most rented (3,000 is the inventory of a typical Blockbuster store type).
based business in the long tail is the consumers as individuals, rather than simply packaging them as part of the mass. Have access to many options can be useful for example, to rediscover the passion for movies and music and potentially increase the overall size of these markets (regular customer of Netflix rents 7 DVDs per month, 3 times more compared to a client from DVD rental shop traditional like Blockbuster).
The long tail moment has arrived.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Parents Do Not Know That I Masterb
Queridos visitantes:
Como bien deben saber, hay una epidemia de Influenza Porcina en México , donde habitamos los creadores de Movie Usher, Ink Drop, Carne de Celebridad, Beaver's Lounge, Router y Que Cagadon . Esto es algo que no se habia visto en nuestros pais y ya hay varios miles de casos y algunos centenares de muertos, aunque un amigo cuya madre trabaja en un hospital del Seguro Social me indica que los medios estan suavizando las cifras, no nos pongamos de alarmistas.
Como primera medida preventiva se han cancelado las clases en todos los niveles desde guarderias hasta universidades tanto publicas y privadas , el ultimo dato de algo so in Mexico was during the persecution of Catholic schools, where they planned to return cristeros secular educational system, this will play live with my grandfather, so that they may take account of how shocking it was to the community.
Now it has come to the shows do their part and as cinema is concerned, the most important chains in the nation have followed suit: Cinepolis has closed all its rooms until further notice, Cinemark opened the same but includes some for bridge next holiday, Cinemex has closed some rooms only. Both
Beruca, Beaver and I ask you not jeopardize their health and obey the signs that the Ministry of Health has given us to prevent infections, we know that cinema is entertainment of many but not despair, it is better to wait few weeks to see a movie that probably sick and unable to enjoy the film.
I'm Out!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Whois Kates Playgrounds

Batman: Arkham Asylum was written by Paul Dini , the genius behind Batman: The Series animated and tells the story of how the Joker get caught to be taken to Arkham newly renovated, everything seems routine until Batman discovers that everything is part of the Joker plan to make Bats pay for everything he has done.
another reason to hold a grudge against the intelligent who did not buy the Wii like me, is that obviously this game will be released for Xbox 360 , the graphics are amazing and the fact that the villain of villains again have the voice of Mark Hamill (who would voice the same character in the animated series) is a plus to be grateful enough.
in match planned to see the light the first day of May so write one more game to your calendar.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Repair Of A Talking Gi Joe
For many it was the "waste of time" last year's biggest for me was mediocre but the fact that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was so bad does not mean that Indy still has good stories number, proof of that is this new trailer for the game you will come to Wii, Nintendo DS and probably for Playstation (what? who knows).
This is the third game of the archaeologist (do not count on the LEGO ) after Indiana Jones & The Emperor's Tomb and Indiana Jones & The Infernal Machine . Back in 2005 when it gave the green light to the fourth Indy movie, LucasArts began promoting the game with a revolutionary new gaming technology, something called Euphoria , does it make them known? For if it turns out that Euphoria was being created to Indiana Jones LucasArts but gave priority to The Force Unleashed and delayed by years the development of this game.
What little is known about the story is that is one year after the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark and our hero is looking for a fellow teacher named Charles Kingston .
The reason that there will be a version for Xbox 360 and doubt that comes to the PlayStation 3 is that both companies decided to give up the franchise for poor sales LEGO game based on the character (an advantage for those who have Wii )
It looks pretty interesting as the truth and have more information, I'll put it here in the meantime enjoy the progress.
I'm Out!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Kates Playground Wiki Pedia
Enertia , works with just six 12 volt batteries, not pose any combustion engine, making it one of the cleanest vehicles ever created and friendly.

The price is not to be his forte, as is U.S. $ 12.000, not economic, but if fuel economy is quite remarkable.
Tawnee Stone Accident
The Samsung i900 or Samsung Omnia is a 7.2Mbps HSDPA and is based on version 6.1 Windows Mobile Professional , Through Touchwiz interface, offers a wide display of 3.2 inches with acceptable resolution of 240 x 400.

Seborrheic Keratosis Coconut Oil

is compatible with all the 5G iPods, iTouch and iPhone. It costs U.S. $ 599.95
Model: Zeppelin
Technical features: Digital Signal Processing, Digital amplifier, Switch mode power supply
Drive units: 1x 125mm (5 in) bass, 2x 90mm (3.5 in) midrange, 2x 25mm (1 in) metal dome tweeter
Frequency range: -6dB at 47Hz and 22kHz
Amplifier power output: 1x 50W (bass), 2x 25W (midrange/tweeter)
Power input voltage: 100V - 240V ~ 50/60Hz
Rated power consumption: 20W
Standby consumption: 3.7W
Inputs: 30-pin iPod connector, 3.5mm mini jack analogue / optical digital, USB 2.0 slave (software upgrades)
Outputs: S-video (mini DIN), Composite video (RCA Phono)
Height: 173mm (6.8 in) without tilt pad, 198mm (7.8 in) with tilt pad
Width: 640mm (25.2 in)
Depth: 208mm (8.2 in)
Net weight: 7.5kg (16.5 lb)
Finish: Polished stainless steel trim or Black with black cloth
is a fad that really worth it.