Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fibrous Blood In Period

mevoMercadeo: No channel littered

One of the most important services offered by the Internet today is e-mail to send and receive messages quickly (in fact, E-mail predates the Internet, and in fact was a crucial tool, so that it could be created.) Through e-mail messages can be sent, not only text, but all kinds of digital documents. Efficiency, convenience and low cost (often zero) are making moves to e-mail mail for many common uses. (1)

is precisely its advantages in terms of efficiency and low cost that have led to excesses and abuses of the service. The main problem is spam or junk mail, which refers to receiving unsolicited emails, usually misleading, and in large quantities, promoting things such as Rolex, Viagra, pornography and other products and services suspect quality. Usually the messages indicate the sender of the mail as a false address. (1)

The spam problem has become unmanageable to the point that some people have chosen not to give your e-mail, have several (a "public" that openly distributed and a "private" shares only relatives), or be continually closing and opening new accounts. Overall, it has lost confidence in the service.

The really worrying thing is that we are on track to repeat the same mistake again, only this time the consequences will be worse.

# 1 tool used in mobile marketing is SMS (Service Short Message, by its initials in English - Short Message Service). The SMS is "email" of the mobile world: a system for sending messages to mobile users in an efficient, convenient and low cost, but only good for sending text, already exists Service (MMS Multimedia message by its initials in English - Multimedia Message Service) allows sending messages to more rich content (pictures, videos, and / or audio). But the similarities are only on that, the differences are huge, the email strategy was basically to build email database as large as possible (with the result that about 72% of 320 billion are junk messages a day) while the SMS strategy should be to build a database of loyal customers (95% of SMS messages are read in the first 4 minutes). (2)

And just so there is spam on the Internet, and you start seeing junk SMS account of abuse in making mobile marketing. The situation is worse because the phone number is not something that can be changed, nor can we have several (at most two new phones with the dual), in fact the number is something more personal than e-mail ( it is something that usually changes when you change companies for example).

MMA (Marketing Association Mobile, for its acronym in English - Mobile Marketing Association) is the association that provides guidelines regarding the correct use of mobile marketing and has recommended the use of a strategy of "opt-in or registration, that is, never send a message mobile marketing if the user has not explicitly requested. However, many users give their personal information (and phone number) without really knowing that they will be used (because it is a required field when registering to get the information that we are so interested, or because a newspaper notice says "the number XXXX YYYY Send and receive a discount coupon for purchases at the store ZZZZ" but that does not mean we want to receive SMS updates or news from this company) therefore now being recommended to use a strategy of "double opt-in" (dual enrollment) in which the user gives their data on a voluntary or through a registration and then sends an SMS confirmation message which agrees to receive additional messages (mobile marketing), so the user is informed of the use that will give these data sent. If the user responds yes, the cycle is complete and you can have that user as valid to receive mobile marketing.

is important to respect the privacy and wishes of users, it is important to give these people options opt-out (unsubscribe) is much more important to be clear and prompt communication to people who truly want to receive advertising messages and to keep the channel free of trash.

An important thing to remember is that the service provider (in this case the mobile operator) can identify if the message comes from another phone (it sends another person), internet (sent from a web page) or an external provider (a mobile marketing agency) and the user can request that it block the sending of messages from all 3 sources (or 3) with what the agency abuse results in loss Total customer for future campaigns (some of which even the client could be interested). In fact, some countries have already ordered the creation of centralized databases so that users can register there and stay to "save" the sending of unsolicited messages on pain of huge fines for those failing.

Please for all those who are holding the mobile marketing campaigns, review their strategies, whether from the world of e-mail note that this medium is different, not full of garbage the mobile channel.

Mobile Marketing is communication PERSONAL where it has the quality and not quantity. For

those wanting to learn about how to do "good" mobile marketing and examples of successful campaigns, go to the website of the MMA -

------------ REFERENCES

(1) C3% B3nico
(2) -email-marketers-think-mobile-marketing-is-stupid-and-why-they-are-wrong /


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