Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ap Lab One Biology Diffusion And Osmosis

mevoSalud: Mark, cough, and the phone will tell you that respiratory illness has

Imagine a sore throat and may have some hoarseness for several days, even if influenza has taken the discomfort does not go away. Already beginning to worry that you might not be a simple flu you have. Need to see a doctor but has no time and they do not know any expert on the subject, so take your cell phone, dial a number where he meets an interactive system that asks you to cough and in seconds the same system will tell you if what you have is actually a common cold, a cold, pneumonia or other respiratory condition that can present to avoid having to go doctor (if you have nothing would be a waste of time) or advised to do so immediately (in case of detecting symptoms of something serious).

Is that crazy? As people

STAR Analytical Services has developed software that can do just that by applying mathematical analysis to the sound generated by coughing and comparing the results with a database of previously recorded sounds of coughing, the STAR system can determine if the cough is dry or with phlegm, or is caused by a bacteria or virus, etc and make a diagnosis.

Imagine the impact of this tool for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory diseases in developing countries, where, for example, a mother in Africa (where pneumonia is a major cause of death in children) and 100 kilometers from the nearest hospital, can call and send the sound of your baby's cough, so that the system can determine a diagnosis and apply, if necessary, a nurse from a nearby locality, which not only take medicines, but the right medicine for that matter. For this project

STAR Analytical Services was awarded a $ 100,000 support the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop better. STAR system currently operates on a PC and are already developing a version for Smartphones, so it should increase the database of recorded sounds of coughing which currently has a few dozen to about 1,000 sounds to enhance the reliability and the need to record sounds according to variables such as sex, weight and age among others. ------------

(1) -instant-diagnosis.html


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