Wednesday, October 21, 2009

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mHealth - The mobile learns to heal.

The mobile communications are influencing society and the way we interact, we already have such mobile business, mobile banking and mobile marketing so it's no wonder that health care workers are also influenced by this trend thus forming what has been called mHealth (contraction healthcare or health of mobile phone).

mHealth is the use of mobile technology to increase the reach of basic health services. As expected, in developing countries (Latin America, Africa) that have problems of infrastructure and qualified personnel, this application is seen as an option to put health to everyone. Mobile operators are also seeing this application as an opportunity to differentiate (shown "socially responsible") in an increasingly competitive market, so also are beginning to support such projects.

have all the components are: the networks are available and increasingly cover more geographical space, cell phones are becoming cheaper making them accessible even to poor people and all stakeholders are willing to work for it, so it is expected to begin to develop strongly Mobile Health.

applications can be divided into three (3) major groups depending on their focus: patient, health professional, or disease.

patient applications are aimed at increasing the reach of health services, and can be subdivided in:
  • Education and Prevention,
  • Remote Monitoring and Support
  • Treatment.
applications for healthcare professionals are intended to improve their performance, and can be subdivided in:
  • Communication and Training, and Support
  • Diagnosis.
applications are targeted for disease control and monitoring of diseases and can be subdivided in:
  • Remote Data Collection and Monitoring
  • Diseases and Epidemics.

Examples of projects of each type are as follows:
  • Education and Prevention. Georgia has sent a video via MMS explanatory relation to AIDS and how to prevent it. Thousands of young people received him and heard first-hand information that would otherwise have gone unnoticed by them.
  • Remote Monitoring. IBM developed a kit that allows you to monitor the heart rate of patients and is stored in the cell phone where you keep track and each time it sends the updated information to physicians.
  • Treatment Support. MyLifeRecord is an application that runs on mobile phones (iPhone) and can be archived and available on hand all medical data related to health (X-rays, electrocardiograms, etc).
  • Communication and Training. In Coban, Guatemala, using mobile devices to train nurses who are in remote communities (in the jungle).
  • Diagnosis Support. Epocrates is an application that runs on mobile phones and includes information on more than 3300 drugs, and use, dosage, warnings, side effects, drug interactions, etc.
  • Remote Data Collection. IVR used in Peru as an early warning system for epidemic prevention. The person calls, and entering the information is guided by the IVR voice message, which is programmed so that, if certain specific symptoms are entered send alerts via SMS or email to managers, which can take immediate action on the matter. The data are also aggregated and analyzed to establish trends. This will increase the capacity of health services (no need to see the patient, many people can call the same time) and focuses direct attention to the cases warrant (those with symptoms risky). Monitoring
  • Diseases and Epidemics. In Andhra Pradesh (state in India) health workers use cell phones to report incidents of Japanese Encephalitis (fatal disease that is preventable by a vaccine but not always given the high cost and lack of data concerning risks of disease transmission) which are central to the doctors to make decisions in real time as they move about outbreaks and distribute the vaccines effectively.
applications / projects are relatively simple and timely, but will continue to evolve in the following areas:
  • decrease in prices, which will be available to many more people (people with even fewer resources.)
  • lower power consumption, less weight and size, which will make it more comfortable to wear.
  • Availability and fault tolerance, applications will be more intelligent (information forwarded unable to send for example) and more resistant, have alternatives to supply information, collect information from various sources.
  • Security, medical data is information sensitive and must be well protected, since data is transmitted wirelessly is necessary to improve security in transmissions.
  • Interoperability can communicate with existing monitoring devices.

In conclusion, these applications are a great help for everyone:
  • A patients, enabling them to improve their quality of life (for convenience, and because it helps them improve their habits and their health care) and increases their confidence (they share sensitive information securely.)
  • Doctors, allowing them to be available real-time information that can help them understand the evolution of certain disease and the impact of medication and treatment provided.
  • A mobile operators, because it represents a new source of income.
  • A government, enabling them to extend health services to lower-income population with a minimal investment.


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