The overcrowding and the ever increasing processing power of mobile devices has accelerated the convergence, and the way these processes have become electronic and / or virtual.
Some processes are easier to convert to electronic than others, and one such process "easy" is the sale, distribution and validation of cheap airline tickets.
The way is simple: instead of printing and delivering physical tickets (printed on plain paper), use your phone as a recipient of a ticket in electronic form. This ticket has a special code that is displayed at the entrance of the event, is scanned and ready, authorization is given to enter.
By not having to physically print the tickets, there is a huge savings, and if you add the savings in logistics concerning the distribution of tickets (sent electronically) plus the added security (virtually forgery-proof and can not be resold) is may lead to a reduction of up to 80% in costs. Likewise, the distribution snapshot allows the buyer to make a last minute decision (decided to buy only after passing through the site and see that there is full because I do not like crowded places) and the seller means that you can easily sell quotas of people not arrive in time.
The digital nature of the process to add interactivity as the mTicket become a coupon that can be changed inside the enclosure for a free drink, or receive a quiz or game that allows the buyer to win special prizes upon entering.
mTicketing A platform manages the entire life cycle of a mTicket:
- Purchase.
- Distribution.
- Validation.
- analysis and control.
Other advantages: It facilitates
- purchase anywhere, anytime.
- Greater convenience for the customer / buyer to save time (avoiding queues and delays).
- Simplification of processes. Cone
The overall process is simple: Locate
- the event.
- Choosing the appropriate ticket (can be multiple options.)
- pay (via credit card). Report
- phone number (if necessary). Receive
- mTicket on the phone (via SMS / MMS or WAP).

Upon arrival at the event:
- mTicket
- opens and displays at the entrance.
- The mTicket is scanned to verify (*)
- for safety may be asked for the telephone number or other information associated to the purchaser (name for example).
- Depending on the event, printed a small paper receipt that is given as evidence that the mTicket has been used.

- Using mobile Web.
- Using mobile applications.
Using mobile Web. The
process would be very similar to making a purchase any online, with the difference that in this case, the following cell phone number to receive the mTicket. The process can be performed directly from the phone or from a PC connected to the Internet.
- Login to the event's website.
- Points 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the procedure described above.
- is much easier to implement.
- From the user point of view is a process already widely used (Internet shopping).
Disadvantages: Possible errors
- the buyer to enter phone number.
When to use:
- When the number of events is low. For example, a charity sold tickets to the annual event fundraising.
Using mobile applications.
There is a software that is downloaded to your phone and this software takes care of step by step, to request the required information (event, number of tickets, payment, etc) and finally get the mTicket directly in the program. Since everything is run directly from the phone, no need to send the phone number.
- activates the phone application.
- Se siguen los pasos (1, 2, 3 y 5 del procedimiento descrito anteriormente).
- Mucho más seguro (se ejecuta directamente desde el teléfono y no desde la web).
- Se tiene la información del teléfono.
- Se pueden integrar múltiples eventos (de distintas empresas) para crear un portal de mTicketing.
- Más difícil de implementar (debido a la diversidad de modelos de teléfonos celulares existente).
Cuándo usarlo:
- Cuando la cantidad de eventos es alta. Por ejemplo, una linea aérea vendiendo tiquetes a any of its destinations.
Example: Application
ngpay Kingfisher Airlines (Carrier India):
- entry screen, ngpay logo.
- menu options. (King Mobile is the version of mTicketing). Logo
- King Mobile. Menu King
- Mobile (Kingfisher Airlines is the option 1). Menu
- KingFisher Airlines (New reservation is option 1).
- flight details. Cheap
- details available as above.
- Summary chosen flight payment details (value of the ticket).
- method of payment.
- mTicket received.
Juniper Research published a study that says by 2014 will use approximately 15 billion mTickets, which however is a conservative figure since by the time this service will not have spread so much in America or Europe, but While Asia and China in particular. Additionally, the companies of transport (mainly airlines) that are working hard on this for cost savings, and is expected to begin moving to the area of \u200b\u200bentertainment (movies, concerts, sporting events, etc). The arrival of NFC (Near Field Communications - Short-Field Communications, a new technology for short-range transmission) also give added impetus to this solution. ------------
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Gráfico2: http : / /
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